Harmonizing reliable test procedures representing real-LIFE air pollution from solid fuel heating appliances
LIFE Preparatory Project 2020
01/05/2021 – 31/12/2024 (Extension period for 1.5.2024-31.12.2024)
Through the “zero pollution ambition”, EU aims at “prevent pollution from being generated”. To achieve this ambition, relevant EU regulations should therefore contribute to reduce emissions at the source. This should be reflected in stringent emission limits for products, such as stoves and boilers fuelled with solid fuels. This would give a clear signal to the manufacturers to produce low emitting stoves and to exclude high emitting stoves, in addition to ensure that correct product information is given to the consumers.
Real-LIFE Emissions project is concentrating on supporting the work that is being done in Europe within e.g., CEN, UNECE, the European Commission and national authorities. With the group of beneficiaries working on this project, we have a strong background in the area, both in combustion appliances, test procedures and emissions, but also working together with stakeholders and authorities.

The Real-Life Emissions project has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement n° LIFE 20 PRE/FI/000006
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